Medical Examinations

Benefit from our comprehensive and personalized medical examinations designed to identify potential health risks, assess your fitness to work, and prioritize your well-being. Our thorough evaluations provide the clarity you need for confident decision-making about your health and work capabilities


General Medical Examinations


General medical examinations, also known as routine check-ups, are a type of medical examination that is performed by a healthcare professional to assess a person's overall health and well-being. These exams are typically recommended for healthy individuals who do not have any specific health concerns or conditions, but who want to ensure that they are maintaining good health.



During a general medical examination, a healthcare professional will typically take a medical history and perform a physical exam, which may include checking vital signs, such as blood pressure and heart rate, and examining the skin, eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Our general medical examinations routinely include also spirometry, ECG and detailed blood tests. We use standard lab profiles (well-man /well-woman) that include 72 different tests however we can offer additional tests that are not included in the standard profile like tumoral markers or other specialized blood or urine tests.

The frequency of general medical examinations can vary depending on a person's age, health status, and other risk factors. For healthy adults, general medical examinations are typically recommended every 1-2 years. However, individuals with certain health conditions or risk factors may need more frequent examinations.

It is important to note that general medical examinations are not a substitute for seeking medical care when specific health concerns or symptoms arise. If you are experiencing any unusual symptoms or have concerns about your health, it is important to schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider.

We offer our range of general medical examinations at our clinic and also as mobile appointment where the doctor will come to visit you at your preferred venue (home, workplace).


We currently offer three standard packages; however, the medical package can be tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of our customers.


           BASIC - The medical will take approximatively 30-45 min to complete and includes:

1. A short discussion regarding current medical status, prescribed medication, life-style and family history.

2. Blood Pressure Check.

3. Lung Function - Peak Flow Meter

4. Body Measurements (Weigh, Height , BMI)

5 Blood Tests - Full Blood Count, Lipid Profile, HbA1c


  Fee £ 150


           ADVANCED -  The medical will take approximatively 60-90 min to complete and includes:

1. A discussion regarding your current medical status, medication, life-style, family history followed by a  comprehensive examination covering cardio-vascular, respiratory, neurological, abdominal, ENT and musculo=skeletal aspects.

2. Blood Pressure Check

3. Body Measurements (Weight, Height, Waist, BMI, Metabolic Rate, Estimate Energy Requirement) 

4. Resting ECG

5. Spirometry - Pulmonary Function Test

6. Blood Tests - Well-Man/Well-Woman (54 biomarkers).


   Fee £350 


           SUPERIOR - The medical will take approximatively 90-120 min to complete and includes:

1. A discussion regarding your current medical status, medication, life-style, family history followed by a  comprehensive examination covering cardio-vascular, respiratory, neurological, abdominal, ENT and musculo=skeletal aspects.

2. Blood Pressure Check

3. Body Measurements (Weight, Height, Waist, BMI, Metabolic Rate, Estimate Energy Requirement) 

4. Exercise  / Stress  ECG

5. Spirometry - Pulmonary Function Test

6. Blood Tests - Well-Man/Well-Woman (54 biomarkers).


   Fee £500


We can offer these packages as mobile appointments, bringing our services to your preferred location, whether it's your home, workplace, or any other address you choose. If you believe this option suits your needs, please contact us for availability and a personalized quote tailored to your requirements.



Occupational Health Examinations


Occupational health medicine is a branch of medicine that is concerned with the health and safety of workers in the workplace. Occupational health medical services typically focus on the prevention and management of work-related injuries, illnesses, and hazards.


Occupational health medical services can include a range of activities such as employment medicals, health and safety assessments, workplace risk assessments, workplace health promotion and education, health surveillance, and management of work-related illnesses and injuries, absence management.

Employment medical involve an assessment with the purpose to advise employers on the employee's health and make recommendations on what adjustments could be considered to ensure a safe/healthy working environment for the employees. It can also be an assessment of somebody's fitness to work from  physical and mental point of view taken into consideration the demands of the job.

Workplace risk assessments are used to identify hazards in the workplace and to implement controls to minimize the risk of injury or illness. Health surveillance is the ongoing monitoring of workers to detect early signs of work-related illness or injury, and can involve regular medical check-ups and testing.

Occupational health medical services play a crucial role in promoting the health and safety of workers, and in preventing and managing work-related illnesses and injuries. 

As we provide these services to a varied industries our goal is to offer the best service that would suit the customer's needs  therefore, we tailor the assessments as per client's requirements.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements and how we can best support you.

We offer the following services:

Occupational Health Assessments from £100

Fitness to Work Assessments from £100

Return to Work Assessments from £80


The total cost of the medical depends on the requirements and the additional investigations requested by the employer


We can offer these medicals also as mobile appointment at the employer's venue. Please contact us for a quote.


Recreational Diving Medical Examinations 


Diving medicals are specialized medical examinations that are performed on individuals who engage in scuba diving (sports or recreational) or other types of underwater activities. These examinations are designed to assess an individual's fitness to dive and to identify any health conditions that may increase the risk of injury or illness while diving.


A diving medical typically involves a comprehensive physical examination, including a review of the individual's medical history and any medications they may be taking. The exam may also include tests of lung function, hearing and vision, and a neurological assessment.

The purpose of a diving medical is to identify any health conditions that may increase the risk of diving-related injury or illness, such as lung disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, or seizure disorders. In some cases, a healthcare provider may recommend that an individual not engage in diving activities, or may recommend that they take certain precautions or limit the depth or duration of their dives following specific recommendations.

Diving medicals are typically recommended for individuals who engage in recreational or sport diving activities, and may be required by some dive organizations (PADI / DAN / BSAC / SSI). It is important to have a diving medical performed by a healthcare provider who has experience with diving medicine and who understands the unique risks and challenges associated with underwater activities.

Our medicals follow UK DMC guidelines and sometimes require additional investigations like spirometry, ECG, fitness test, blood tests  or medical documents from specialist or GP to be evaluated in the context of reported medical condition in order for a Certificate of Fitness to Dive to be provided.

Fee £80



HSE Diving Medical Examinations 


HSE diving medicals refer to medical assessments conducted in accordance with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines, primarily in the context of occupational diving. These medical examinations are crucial for ensuring the health and fitness of individuals engaged in professional diving activities. HSE diving medicals assess various aspects in order  to determine an individual's capability to safely perform underwater tasks.


The examination typically covers areas such as lung function, cardiovascular system, ear and sinus health, and overall physical fitness. It aims to identify any medical conditions or factors that could pose risks during diving operations.

The evaluation of lung function during an HSE diving medical is crucial due to the fundamental role of the respiratory system in underwater activities. The examination assesses the diver's capacity to breathe effectively, ensuring that they can meet the increased respiratory demands and potential challenges associated with diving, such as changes in pressure and air supply. 

The examination of ear and sinus health is equally significant, as these areas are particularly vulnerable to pressure changes in the underwater environment. Divers must have optimal ear and sinus function to facilitate equalization and prevent conditions like barotrauma or sinus squeeze. 

Assessing overall physical fitness is a comprehensive aspect of HSE diving medicals. This involves evaluating the diver's cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and endurance. Divers need sufficient physical fitness to navigate underwater environments and respond effectively in emergency situations. The examination aims to identify any underlying health issues that could lead to fatigue, reduced endurance, or compromised decision-making underwater. 


The importance of HSE diving medicals extends beyond individual health to collective safety standards in various industries. In sectors such as offshore oil and gas, underwater construction, and marine research, where commercial diving is prevalent, these medical examinations are integral to establishing and maintaining a safe working environment. They serve as a proactive measure to identify and address potential health risks, thereby reducing the likelihood of accidents or emergencies during diving operations.

HSE diving medicals encompass a thorough evaluation of general medical status including fitness levels. This comprehensive approach aims to detect any medical conditions or factors that could pose risks during diving operations. By upholding rigorous safety standards in commercial diving industries, including offshore oil and gas, underwater construction, and marine research, HSE diving medicals contribute significantly to the well-being of divers and the overall safety of underwater work environments.

Meeting HSE standards for diving medicals is a prerequisite for obtaining or renewing diving certifications for professional and commercial diving activities. This stringent medical evaluation process helps ensure that divers are physically fit and equipped to handle the unique demands and potential hazards associated with their underwater work, contributing to a safer working environment in industries such as offshore oil and gas, underwater construction, and marine research.


HSE Commercial Offshore £200

HSE Commercial Inshore £160

PADI Sports Diving Instructors £140


If you require an OE/RUK/GWO/G41 medical certificate in addition to the HSE medical, and both are done at the same time, we offer it at half the standard price


Skydiving Medicals


Diving medicals are specialized medical examinations that are performed on individuals who engage in scuba diving (sports or recreational) or other types of underwater activities. These examinations are designed to assess an individual's fitness to dive and to identify any health conditions that may increase the risk of injury or illness while diving.


The purpose of a skydiving medical is to identify any medical conditions or risk factors that may increase the likelihood of complications during a skydive. The medical provider may also provide recommendations or restrictions for the individual based on their medical history and physical examination.

Here are some common medical considerations for skydiving:

  • Cardiovascular health: Skydiving can be physically demanding, and individuals with heart disease or high blood pressure may be at increased risk for complications.
  • Respiratory health: Individuals with respiratory conditions, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), may experience breathing difficulties at high altitudes.
  • Neurological conditions: Conditions that affect balance, coordination, or cognition may impact a person's ability to safely perform the necessary maneuvers during a skydive.
  • Pregnancy: Skydiving is not recommended during pregnancy due to the potential risks to the developing fetus.
  • Medications: Certain medications, such as blood thinners or sedatives, may increase the risk of complications during a skydive.

Skydiving facilities may require individuals to provide proof of a skydiving medical, particularly if the individual has a history of certain medical conditions or is over a certain age.

Fee £80

Screening Medical Examinations


Screening medicals are medical exams that are designed to detect medical conditions in individuals who do not have any symptoms or signs of a particular condition. These medical exams are typically performed as part of a preventative health care program, and they can help to identify medical problems early, when they are easier to treat.


There are many different types of screening medicals, and the specific tests and exams performed will depend on the individual's age, sex, medical history, and risk factors for certain conditions. A common screening medicals include comprehensive physical exam, blood tests, and urinalysis to check for general health indicators such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar. Based on the requirements this assessment can be extended to include other investigations like ECG, spirometry, audiometry.

Screening medicals can be an important part of maintaining good health, but it is important to talk with a healthcare provider to determine which tests and exams are appropriate for an individual's specific health needs and risks. Not all screening tests are necessary or recommended for everyone. 

Our doctor can help you understand the benefits and limitations of screening medicals and can provide guidance on how often they should be performed.

We do these assessments for over seven years mainly for insurance companies but also the management of private companies where the daily work commitments and the stress can take its toll on a healthy person leading ultimately to medical issues and sickness absence. As this is a versatile assessment it can be tailored to cover a range of medical aspects therefore is suitable to any industry or business.


HGV/Bus/ Lorry Medical Examinations


HGV medical refers to a medical examination that is required for individuals who wish to obtain a license to drive a heavy goods vehicle (HGV) in the UK. The HGV medical is designed to assess a driver's fitness to drive and to ensure that they meet the required medical standards.


During the HGV medical, a doctor will typically perform a series of tests and checks to assess the driver's health and fitness. This may include a vision test, a hearing test, a blood pressure check, and an assessment of the driver's overall health and medical history.

The HGV medical is a legal requirement for drivers in the UK who operate HGVs. The examination must be carried out by a registered medical practitioner who is approved by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). The driver will need to pass the medical examination in order to be issued an HGV license.

The medical is usually completed once, at the time of the initial application and then every 5 years over the age of 45. The assessment has to be completed annually over the age of 65.

We conduct these medicals at our clinic however we also offer this service at the customer’s venue if the requirement is for minimum of 5 medicals . This service works best for HGV Training business there the requirement for each trainee is to have a medical.

Fee £40

Taxi Medical Examinations


A taxi medical is a medical examination that is required for individuals who wish to obtain or renew a taxi driver's license. The purpose of the examination is to assess an individual's fitness to drive a taxi and to identify any medical conditions that may affect their ability to drive safely.

A taxi medical typically involves a comprehensive physical examination, including a review of the individual's medical history and any medications they may be taking. The examination may also include tests of vision, hearing, and blood pressure, as well as tests to assess the individual's overall physical and mental health.

The specific requirements for a taxi medical may vary depending on the region where the examination is being conducted. In some cases, additional tests or assessments may be required, such as a cognitive assessment or a driving assessment. The examination is based on the requirements and recommendation of the council where the customer wishes to register. Please contact us with details of the council where you would like to apply for your licence in order to offer precise advice regarding the specific conditions.

The purpose of the taxi medical is to ensure that individuals who hold a taxi driver's license are physically and mentally fit to drive safely and responsibly. In some cases, individuals with certain medical conditions may be required to undergo additional testing or may be restricted in the types of vehicles they are allowed to drive.

If you are required to undergo a taxi medical, it is important to schedule the examination with our healthcare provider who is familiar with the specific requirements in your area and who can provide a thorough and accurate assessment of your fitness to drive a taxi.

We conduct these medicals at our clinic however we also offer this service at the customer’s venue if the requirement is for minimum of 5 medicals.

Fee £40


OE / OG-Offshore Medicals


Offshore Energies UK / Oil and Gas UK (OG UK) is the trade association for the UK offshore oil and gas industry, and it requires medical examinations for workers in the industry to ensure their fitness for work.


An OEUK / OGUK medical examination is a thorough medical assessment that is designed to evaluate a worker's fitness to work offshore in the UK's oil and gas industry. It includes a range of tests and assessments, such as a review of medical history, physical examination, lung function tests, audiometry (hearing test), vision screening, and a drug and alcohol screening.

The medical examination is usually conducted by a doctor who is authorized by OEUK / OGUK and has experience in occupational health. The doctor will assess the worker's medical fitness based on OEUK / OGUK's standards, which are set out in the OEUK / OGUK Medical Guidelines.

 (The OEUK /OGUK medical examination is required for all offshore workers, including those who work on oil rigs, drilling platforms, and production facilities. It is designed to ensure that workers are physically and mentally fit to work in the challenging and potentially hazardous offshore environment. The examination is typically valid for up to two years, after which the worker will need to undergo a new examination to maintain their certification.



OG/OE £160

RUK/GWO/G41 £200


If you require an HSE medical certificate in addition to the OG/RUK/GWO/G41 medical, and both are done at the same time, we offer it at half the standard price


Pre-Deployment Medical Examinations


A pre-deployment medical refers to a medical examination or evaluation that is conducted prior to an individual's deployment, typically for overseas assignments or military. The purpose of a pre-deployment medical is to assess the overall health and fitness of the individual and to identify any potential medical conditions or concerns that may impact their ability to perform their duties effectively or that may require special considerations or accommodations during their deployment.

The specific components of a pre-deployment medical can vary depending on the organization or institution conducting the examination, as well as the nature of the deployment. However, common elements may include:

Medical history: The individual may be required to provide a detailed medical history, including information about past illnesses, surgeries, medications, allergies, and any existing medical conditions.

Physical examination: A thorough physical examination is often performed to assess the individual's general health and detect any physical abnormalities or limitations.

Immunizations: The individual may need to provide proof of  vaccinations or immunizations to protect against common diseases or specific health risks associated with the deployment location.

Laboratory tests: Blood tests, urine tests, and other laboratory investigations may be conducted to screen for various conditions such as infectious diseases, nutritional deficiencies, or other health markers.

6Mental health assessment: Depending on the nature of the deployment, a mental health assessment may be included to evaluate the individual's psychological well-being and identify any pre-existing mental health conditions.

Specialized evaluations: Certain deployments may require additional evaluations, such as vision and hearing tests, dental examinations, or specific screenings based on the potential occupational hazards of the deployment.

The results of a pre-deployment medical are typically used to determine the individual's fitness for deployment and to provide appropriate medical support or accommodations if necessary. It ensures that individuals are in good health and adequately prepared for the challenges they may face during their deployment


Fee Starting from £160 depending on the requirements


Pre-Employment Medical Examinations


A pre-employment medical is a medical examination or evaluation that is conducted as part of the hiring process before an individual begins employment with a company or organization. The purpose of a pre-employment medical is to assess the individual's overall health and fitness for the specific job they are applying for.


The specific components of a pre-employment medical can vary depending on the nature of the job and the requirements set by the employer. It helps the employer determine if the candidate is physically and mentally capable of performing the essential functions of the job, and if any accommodations or considerations need to be made. However, common elements may include:

Medical history: The candidate may be asked to provide a comprehensive medical history, including information about past illnesses, surgeries, medications, allergies, and any existing medical conditions.

Physical examination: A thorough physical examination is often conducted to assess the candidate's general health and detect any physical abnormalities or limitations that may impact their ability to perform the job safely.

Vital signs: Measurements such as blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature are typically taken to evaluate the candidate's overall health and physiological function.

Laboratory tests: Depending on the job requirements, various laboratory tests may be conducted, such as blood tests, urine tests, or drug screenings, to assess the candidate's health markers or detect the presence of certain substances.

Vision and hearing tests: Jobs that involve specific visual or auditory demands may include tests to evaluate the candidate's vision acuity, depth perception, color vision, or hearing ability.

Mental health assessment: In some cases, a mental health assessment may be included to evaluate the candidate's psychological well-being and determine if they are fit for the job's demands.

The results of a pre-employment medical help employers make informed decisions regarding a candidate's suitability for the job. If any medical issues or concerns are identified, employers may work with the candidate to determine if reasonable accommodations can be made or if further evaluations or consultations are necessary. Pre-employment medicals aim to ensure the safety and well-being of both the employee and their coworkers, as well as to comply with legal and occupational health standards.


Fee starting from £120 depending on the requirements

Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Medical Examinations


HUET medical assessment, refers to a medical evaluation or examination that is required for individuals undergoing Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET). HUET is a specialized training program designed to prepare individuals for emergency situations involving helicopters over water, such as offshore workers or military personnel who may regularly travel by helicopter.

The HUET medical assessment is conducted to ensure that individuals participating in the HUET training are physically and medically fit to undertake the course safely. The assessment is typically carried out by medical professionals experienced in aviation medicine or occupational health.

The specific components of a HUET medical assessment can vary depending on the training provider and the jurisdiction's regulations. However, it generally includes the following:

Medical history: Candidates will be required to provide information about their medical history, including any past illnesses, surgeries, medications, allergies, or existing medical conditions.

Physical examination: A thorough physical examination will be conducted to assess the candidate's overall health and fitness for the training. This may include measurements of vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory function.

Vision and hearing assessment: Candidates may undergo tests to evaluate their visual acuity, color vision, depth perception, and hearing ability. Good vision and hearing are essential for understanding instructions and carrying out emergency procedures during HUET training.


Respiratory fitness: Candidates may be assessed for their lung function and respiratory fitness, as they will need to perform tasks while wearing a helicopter escape breathing device or a lifejacket.

Mental health evaluation: Depending on the training requirements, a mental health assessment may be conducted to ensure that candidates are psychologically fit to participate in potentially stressful and demanding emergency scenarios.

The results of the HUET medical assessment help determine the candidate's suitability to safely participate in the HUET training. If any medical concerns or limitations are identified, appropriate accommodations or restrictions may be implemented to ensure the individual's safety during the training.

It's important to note that the specific requirements and standards for a HUET medical assessment can vary depending on the training provider, local regulations, and the organization overseeing the training program. Therefore, it's recommended to consult the relevant training provider or authority for accurate and up-to-date information regarding the specific requirements for a HUET medical assessment in a particular context

Fee £50


Bideltoid Measurement


Bideltoid Measurement: Analyzing Acromion-to-Acromion Distance for Shoulder Width Assessment in Anthropological Studies, Ergonomic Design, and Clinical Evaluations


Bideltoid measurement, also known as biacromial breadth, specifically refers to the horizontal distance between the two acromion processes. The acromion processes are bony projections at the upper part of the shoulder blades (scapulae) that join with the collarbones (clavicles) to form the shoulder joint.


This measurement is typically used in medical and anthropological contexts to assess the skeletal structure of an individual. It helps determine the breadth of the shoulders and can provide information about body proportions, as well as assist in diagnosing certain conditions or evaluating physical development.

To measure bi-deltoid or bi-acromial breadth, a caliper or measuring tape is usually placed across the back of an individual, aligned with the acromion processes. The measurement is taken at the widest point between the two acromion processes, providing a quantification of the shoulder breadth.

Bi-acromial or bi-deltoid breadth can vary significantly among individuals and populations due to factors such as sex, age, genetics, and overall body size. The measurement is commonly used in anthropological studies, forensic analysis, and medical assessments, where an individual's skeletal structure and body proportions are of interest.


Fee £40

ML5 Ship Crew Training Medical Examinations


The MCA ML5 medical examination is a specific medical assessment required for certain seafaring roles, particularly for crew members working on ships. The ML5 examination ensures that seafarers are medically fit to perform their duties safely and effectively at sea. It helps identify any medical conditions or health issues that may impact an individual's ability to work in specific maritime roles or conditions. Seafarers must undergo regular medical examinations to maintain their certification and continue working on ships.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) in the UK mandates medical examinations for seafarers to ensure they meet the health standards necessary to work at sea.

The ML5 medical examination is specifically designed for seafarers who are serving on board merchant vessels, domestic or commercial ships.

This medical examination is comprehensive and includes assessments of physical fitness, vision, hearing, lung function, cardiovascular health, and other medical conditions relevant to maritime work.

Ship crew members, including officers and ratings, must undergo the MCA ML5 medical examination as part of their certification requirements.

Ship crew training programs, such as those offered by maritime academies or training institutions, often include guidance and preparation for the MCA ML5 medical examination.

Training may cover topics such as maintaining physical fitness, understanding medical requirements for seafaring roles, and preparing for the medical assessment process.
Understanding the medical standards required by the MCA helps ship crew members maintain their health and fitness levels to meet ongoing certification requirements throughout their careers.

Successfully passing the MCA ML5 medical examination is essential for obtaining or renewing relevant seafarer certifications required by international maritime regulations.

Ship crew members must ensure they meet the medical fitness standards outlined by the MCA and other relevant maritime authorities to remain compliant and eligible for their roles.

Although similar in nature, this is not the same as an ENG 1 medical certificate.


Fee £ 150